Paul Davies is a British-born theoretical physicist, cosmologist, astrobiologist and best-selling author. He is Regents’ Professor of Physics at Arizona State University, where he is Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science and Co-Director of the Cosmology Initiative. Prior to his move to the USA in 2006, he helped create the Australian Centre for Astrobiology. Davies knew Stephen Hawking from 1970, when they were colleagues at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy at the University of Cambridge. Most of Davies’s research has been in the areas of quantum gravity, black holes and early-universe cosmology, though in recent years he has also been working on the origin of life and the deep evolutionary roots of cancer. He has written over 30 books, many for the general public, the most recent being What’s Eating the Universe? And Other Cosmic Questions. Paul Davies is known worldwide as a television and radio commentator and is the author of hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles. He has received many awards and prizes and has an asteroid named after him.